Traditional Empordà Gastronomy

Our cuisine is strictly Empordan where grandmother’s recipes and those that have been incorporated over the years retain the most traditional culinary roots of the area like our “sofregits”, “picades” and “xup-xup”.


Within the range of cooked dishes of all kinds, we have to highlight the Goose with turnips, which is the typical dish of the house, and has given its name to the restaurant.

Our cuisine is based on traditional recipes, hunt dishes and always based in the best seasonal and proximity products.

We have winter and summer menus, as well as a tasting menu for food lovers and menus for groups.

We celebrate every year three gastronomic meetings:

  • The “Orchard Cuisine” which coincides with the Fair of Peratallada and is celebrated the last week of April and the month of May.
  • The “Poltry Cuisine” which is celebrated in October coinciding with the Medieval Festival.
  • The “Hunt Cuisine” which it is celebrated in hunting season (autumn – winter).


972 634 034

696 135 903